What to Expect After Surgery
What to Expect Post Operation - Patients, please watch PRIOR TO surgery and AFTER surgery as often as needed
We are here for you! If you have any questions post surgery, please call our office at 719-632-7669
Follow Up Visits
At your 2 week post-op appointment the bandage will be removed and the incision will be checked. Please let us know at that appointment if you need any refills on your medications, some of those cannot be called into your pharmacy.
At your 6 week post-op appointment, x-rays will be taken and your progress will be assessed to see if changes need to be made to help your recovery.
At your 3 month post-op appointment, x-rays will be taken agand and follow up will be as needed until your 1 year post-op appointment.
Our office will contact you for the 1 year appointment.
Physical Therapy After Surgery
Knee Replacement
Physical therapy should start within 3 days of you leaving the hospital and this should be set up before your surgery date. Please contact our office if physical therapy has not contacted you by the day of surgery.
Hip Replacement
Formal physical therapy is not ordered for after surgery. You are to follow the Self Directed Walking Protocol which consists of you up and walking 4-5 times a day for as long as you can until your 2 week post-op appointment. If you are not progressing by your 2 week appointment, physical therapy will be ordered.
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
What to expect after hip replacement or knee replacement surgery- Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)